Articles Written by the Edge Marketing Team

For this month’s News with Edge article, Mary Obregon has written about the power of AI in your business, and key factors to take into consideration before taking the leap. Check out this quick clip of Mary sharing a brief overview of the article with Amy Juers, and then read on for the full article!

Artificial intelligence is often hailed as the game-changer in today’s business world, with many quickly jumping on the AI bandwagon to try to harness its potential. While AI presents valuable opportunities, the excitement around it can sometimes overshadow the need for proper data management and interpretation.

Here’s a balanced look at how AI can be used to drive efficiency and growth within your business, along with some key considerations.

The Power of Data-Driven Decision-Making

In a data-saturated environment AI can be applied to analyze large volumes of information and uncover patterns and insights that might be missed by human analysts. Leveraging AI-driven analytics allows companies to make informed decisions, discover new market opportunities and optimize pricing strategies. For instance, predictive analytics can help forecast trends and adapt offerings, keeping businesses competitive.

Expanding AI Beyond the Sales Funnel

The potential of AI is not limited to driving revenue at the start of the customer journey. While many AI technologies focus on initial interactions at the top of the funnel, it’s important to use insights from the entire customer life cycle. By including data from every stage in AI models – such as post-purchase behavior and ongoing engagement – businesses can ensure that AI strategies are effective not only in attracting customers but also in retaining them and optimizing their lifetime value.

Maximizing AI’s Potential Through Thoughtful Input

Employing AI can be incredibly beneficial, but it’s crucial to use it wisely. To truly harness AI’s potential, you need to provide it with thoughtful, specific input to achieve outcomes that stand out. Ensure you’re guiding the AI with unique insights or angles that reflect your specific goals. This approach helps you find answers and create content that is more aligned with your brand.

Optimizing Operations and Reducing Costs

AI is key to enhancing efficiency and cutting costs through automation. It can improve various aspects of operations, such as managing resources, streamlining processes and identifying areas where efficiency can be increased.

However, adopting AI in any of these areas comes with its own set of challenges. Implementing and integrating AI systems typically require a considerable investment of time and resources, as well as specialized knowledge. Businesses must also be ready to address potential disruptions and manage workflow changes effectively during the ever-evolving transition process.

Balancing AI Efficiency with Human Authenticity

AI can be incredibly useful in many facets of today’s future-looking businesses, offering efficiency and automation that streamline processes and make tasks quicker and easier. However, relying too heavily on AI without the context offered by the nuanced interpretation of findings by staff can result in potential pitfalls. It’s crucial for companies to ensure output is accurate and that their AI workflows are properly monitored and adjusted when issues arise.

While AI is a valuable tool for improving outcomes and might seem like the ideal solution to many business bottlenecks – especially as more companies adopt it – there’s a risk of losing the personal touch that makes a brand authentic and relatable. Automation can sometimes strip away the emotion and unique voice that connect with audiences on a deeper level. It’s important to not rely solely on AI-generated insights but to infuse your own perspectives and creativity into your messaging.

Balancing AI’s capabilities with genuine human input ensures that your brand remains innovative and genuine – and is perceived as such by your audience.

About the Author

Mary joined the Edge team as a marketing intern, shortly after graduating with the class of 2020 from Marist College. She is Edge’s social media and email marketing expert and assists the team with implementing strategic plans.

Mary has danced since the age of 4 and it has become a passion of hers. When she’s not working, she’s either dancing, baking, spending time with friends and family, or exploring New York, where she lives.

For this month’s News with Edge article, Tanya Amyote has written about the importance of urchin tracking modules. Check out this quick clip of Tanya sharing a brief overview of the article with Amy Juers, and then read on for the full article!

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, every click, share and engagement counts. Social media has become a vital tool for businesses to connect with prospects and clients, drive traffic to their websites and, ultimately, to boost the bottom line; however, tracking the effectiveness of your social media efforts on a more granular level can be difficult.

For example, if your ten latest posts on X and LinkedIn have all been pushing visitors to the same webinar registration page, how can you tell which post did the best job by getting the most clicks?

That’s where UTMs (urchin tracking modules) are an effective tool.


Understanding UTMs

UTMs are snippets of text added to the end of URLs that enable analytics tools to track specific details about where your traffic is coming from. UTMs can include information such as a campaign name, the source and the medium.

Let’s assume that Edge wanted to measure how many visitors to our About page came from a specific LinkedIn post. We would add UTMs to the end of the About page URL and use that full link in only that LinkedIn post.

For this example, here is what the complete URL with UTM could look like (with the URL underlined and the UTM parameters in blue for illustrative purposes):

The performance of the UTMs could then be reviewed in the website’s analytics tools to determine how the performance of that post measures up to other initiatives pushing viewers to the same webpage.


The Importance of UTMs in Social Media Posts

  1. Accurate Attribution: UTMs allow you to pinpoint exactly which social media posts or campaigns are driving traffic to a specific webpage. Instead of relying solely on the basic analytics exports provided by social platforms, which aren’t even available in X anymore unless you’re a paid subscriber, UTMs give you granular insights into what is working and what isn’t.
  2. Campaign Performance: By tracking the performance of different posts within a campaign through UTMs, you can identify which channels or types of content resonate best with your audience. This information enables you to allocate your resources in a way that will yield the best proverbial “bang for your buck”.
  3. ROI Calculation: For businesses investing actual dollars into paid advertising on social media, UTMs provide a clear way to measure return on investment. They allow you to compare the cost of a campaign with the visits or conversions generated from that campaign, helping you determine its profitability and adjust your budget accordingly.
  4. Understanding Audience Behavior: Beyond just clicks and conversions, UTMs can offer more detailed insight into the behavior of those who choose to bite: Do they bounce quickly, or do they stay on your website and view other pages? If so, which ones caught their attention? You can then use this valuable intel to inform both your social media strategy and your overall digital marketing efforts.


Best Practices for Implementing UTMs

  • Consistency: Establish a clear naming convention for UTMs to ensure consistency across campaigns and simplify reporting.
  • Testing: Experiment to see what works best for your specific goals and audience.
  • Regular Monitoring: Review UTM performance to spot trends, identify anomalies and make timely adjustments to your strategy.


In the dynamic world of social media marketing, applying UTMs in social media posts will offer meaningful insight into your audience’s behavior, enabling you to adapt your strategy in real time to attract more attention to your content.


About the Author

Tanya Amyote joined the Edge team in 2016, as marketing assistant, Excel enthusiast and token Canadian.

When not solving the world’s pivot table problems, Tanya is an avid reader, fountain pen user, and advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion.

by Nicolle Martin

For the June 2024 News with Edge article, Nicolle Martin has written about the importance of brand awareness. Check out this quick clip of Nicolle sharing a brief overview of the article with Amy Juers, and then read on for the full article!

There have been many times in my career when I have been asked why brand awareness marketing activities are important. Executives are often leery of giving budget space to something that can’t be tracked directly back to ROI. The simple truth, however, is that certain marketing activities which can’t be tracked directly can have a significant impact on the reputation of a company and its products or services and, as a result, sales.

Brand awareness is something you develop in the background but can make all the difference in your marketing activity. For example, writing a bylined article in a leading trade publication may seem like a waste of time if you don’t mention the company or products by name. But the exact opposite is true. Bylined articles are a great way for your team to showcase expertise in the market you serve. Offering knowledge-based content is just one way to increase brand awareness for the company and your offerings. It may be subtle, but providing valuable thought leadership content to your core audience brings trust and ultimately may convert to sales in the future.

Here is an example of the impact of brand awareness everyone can relate to: You walk into a grocery store with a specific product in mind. As you stroll down the aisles, you look around, scanning the shelves. Then you spot the familiar logo of your preferred brand. Without a second thought, you reach out and grab it. But what made you choose that brand over others? The answer lies in brand awareness. It’s about trust and the perception that it is better because you have used or seen it before or had an experience with the company that enabled that trust.

Unfortunately, the brand-building activities that lead to this type of automatic response are hard to pin a distinct ROI to. As a result, I have often heard, “How do we measure something so intangible? And why invest time and resources into it when we can’t track its immediate impact?” Brand awareness occurs slowly behind the scenes. You need to continually get in front of your audience so they feel comfortable with your brand and see you as the experts and front-runners in your space. While this takes time and is not something that is easily quantified, it can be incredibly fruitful when it takes hold. It can be achieved with a number of different activities: advertising, event sponsorship, public relations, etc. Some are easier to track than others, but the ones that can’t be easily tracked should not be discredited as they can often be more important than what you can.

Imagine you’re launching a new product or service. You’ve crafted the perfect features, pricing and marketing strategy. But if no one knows about it, you won’t make any sales. Without brand awareness, your masterpiece remains unnoticed, overshadowed by competitors who have invested in building their brand presence.

There are many ways to create brand awareness. You need to observe your key audience and identify where they are looking for information. Then, strategize on how to get your name in those places and in front of that audience. When your team reaches out to a company to try to set up a meeting, the results will be much better if the person on the receiving end has heard of your organization and considers it to be a reputable one. That all happens from brand awareness. When a buyer is looking for a solution to a problem they need solved, they are going to go to a brand they have heard of and trust.

Bottom line – Building brand awareness takes time, effort and consistency. You won’t see immediate results, and that can be disheartening. But here’s the silver lining: every interaction, every engagement, every mention contributes to your brand awareness. So, while brand awareness is can be hard to track in terms of ROI, it has significant power and can make all the difference when it comes to a sale. And remember . . . it’s not about instant gratification; it’s about laying the foundation for long-term success.


About the Author

Nicolle Martin is a senior account manager for Edge Marketing. She has more than 20 years of experience doing public relations and marketing in the legal and accounting industries.

by Megan Miller

Planning and executing a product launch is one of the most exciting and challenging activities a marketing team takes on. But is the word “launch” an appropriate name for it? A rocket reaches its destination – low earth orbit – approximately eight minutes after launch and is declared a success the same day. If only a new product introduction could succeed that quickly!

Contrary to common perceptions, a product launch isn’t just a one-day event to introduce your new product to the market. It’s a period of weeks or months where you prepare for the introduction, build momentum and position the product for success.

The product launch is a specific part of a broader go-to-market strategy, which covers the entire process of bringing a new product or service to market. Launch is the phase of the strategy that focuses on the public introduction to the target audience and the media.

Crafting an effective overall go-to-market strategy is vitally important for technology companies aiming to tap into accounting firms, law firms or corporate legal departments. The go-to-market strategy serves as a blueprint, guiding the launch of a new product or service while minimizing risks and maximizing market penetration. Here’s how to tailor your strategy for success in the legal and accounting markets:

Understand the Market: Begin by comprehensively exploring the needs, pain points and challenges faced by firms. Conduct thorough research to identify specific issues or inefficiencies that your technology solution can address.

Identify the Target Audience: Segment your target audience within the legal or accounting sector based on factors such as firm size, practice areas and technological maturity. Tailor your messaging and approach to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of each segment or group. For example, larger firms might prioritize scalability and integration with existing systems, while smaller firms may value affordability and ease of use. Structure your message accordingly.

Position Your Solution: Situate your product or service as the answer to the specific challenges faced by legal or accounting professionals. Highlight key features and benefits that differentiate your offering from competitors and directly address pain points. For example, you might create positioning to emphasize factors such as efficiency gains, cost savings, compliance advantages and enhanced client service. Remember too that competitive products or services are not the only alternatives available to clients; the status quo or “doing nothing” is an option as well.

Build Awareness: To gain name recognition and create buzz, focus on generating visibility and engagement within the legal community at large, including industry associations, state and local bar associations, industry analysts, bloggers and thought leaders. Serve up a mix of content marketing, thought leadership, social media campaigns and targeted advertising to communicate the value proposition. Decision-makers in professional services firms are a cerebral bunch. Develop educational content such as white papers, case studies, blog posts and webinars to address trends, regulatory changes or industry challenges, while building your organization’s reputation as authoritative experts.

Drive Consideration: As prospects move into the consideration stage, provide them with in-depth resources and personalized experiences to further evaluate your offering. Offer product demonstrations, free trials or consultations to allow potential customers to experience the benefits firsthand. Testimonials, client success stories and endorsements from respected professionals work to build credibility and trust.

Facilitate Purchase Decisions: Make the purchasing process seamless and straightforward for new customers. Provide transparent pricing information, flexible payment options and responsive customer support to address any concerns or inquiries. Consider offering incentives such as discounts for early adopters or bundled packages to encourage purchases. Address resistance to change by making the technology transition easier, with software training or data migration services.

Measure Success: Implement robust analytics and tracking to monitor the effectiveness of your go-to-market strategy. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead generation, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs and customer lifetime value. Continuously iterate and refine your approach based on insights gained from data analysis and feedback from prospects, partners and clients.

A well-executed go-to-market strategy can pave the way for successful market entry and sustained growth in the legal and accounting tech sectors. By understanding your target audience, positioning your solution effectively and delivering compelling content and experiences, you can capture market share within your industry for startups and new products.


About the Author

Megan Miller is a marketing strategist focused on legal and accounting technology. She works with clients to research markets, establish objectives, and execute programs and campaigns that drive measurable growth. A tech marketer with over 20 years’ experience, Miller has built brands, trained teams and introduced successful products for global companies and startups. She writes on trends and topics in electronic discovery, data privacy, cybersecurity, and AI.

Tips for preparing a spokesperson

by Jennifer Marsnik

A company’s brand is among its most valuable assets. Just as we aim for consistent use of logos or taglines, maintaining control of messaging is an important component of brand management. To that end, it’s helpful to establish a spokesperson for media outreach, interviews and more.

Designating a spokesperson allows you to control a narrative and ensure that consistent and accurate messages are communicated to the media and the public. A well-prepared spokesperson can build trust and credibility, enhancing the company’s reputation as a reliable source of information. This allows your organization to take advantage of media interviews as opportunities to showcase the company’s expertise, highlight its achievements and promote its products or services. With the right spokesperson, you will maximize these opportunities and leverage media coverage to your advantage.

A skilled spokesperson can effectively convey the company’s key messages and address any concerns or misconceptions, helping to shape a positive image. In times of crisis or negative publicity, it is especially important to have a trustworthy source to respond promptly, provide accurate information and reassure stakeholders to mitigate the impact on the company’s reputation. Without a designated spokesperson, different employees may offer conflicting information, leading to confusion that may further damage the company’s brand.

It’s important to identify the right individual to serve as a spokesperson. CEOs often assume these duties, but they are not always naturally the best individual to fill the spokesperson role. The right person is knowledgeable, of course. But they must also possess strong communication skills and the ability to represent the company well in a variety of situations or circumstances.

Once the right spokesperson is identified, prepare this individual for the role. A few best practices include:

  • Craft Key Messages: Work with the spokesperson to develop key messages that align with the company’s objectives and values. These messages should be clear, concise and memorable.
  • Get Media Training: Provide media training to help the spokesperson effectively communicate key messages, handle difficult questions and maintain composure during interviews.
  • Know the Audience: Tailor messaging to suit the audience of the media outlet or journalist conducting the interview. Understanding the audience’s interests and concerns will help the spokesperson connect more effectively.
  • Stay Informed: Ensure the spokesperson stays informed about industry trends, current events and any developments related to the company. This will help in addressing questions and providing relevant information during interviews.
  • Practice: Conduct mock interviews to allow the spokesperson to practice delivering key messages and responding to potential questions. Provide feedback and guidance on improving delivery.
  • Be Authentic: Encourage the spokesperson to be authentic and genuine during interviews. Audiences respond positively to individuals who come across as sincere and transparent.
  • Pay Attention to Dress and Demeanor: Because appearances matter, the spokesperson should dress appropriately for the interview and maintain a professional yet approachable attitude.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Remind the spokesperson to stay calm and confident, even in challenging situations. This will help in maintaining control of the interview and project a positive image of the company.
  • Follow Up: After the interview, debrief with the spokesperson to discuss what went well and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to continuously refine media skills.

Identifying and preparing a company spokesperson for media outreach and interviews is important for effective communication, maintaining stakeholder trust and confidence and overall company brand management. Follow these best practices to improve results.

About the Author

With Edge Marketing since 2007, Jennifer Marsnik specializes in helping clients develop and implement strategic plans that support their overall business goals.

by Cindy Kremer Moen

For many reasons – like time, expense and uncertain ROI – B2B professional services like accounting and legal have steered clear of incorporating videos into their marketing mix. Given the prevalence of video in so many other areas of our lives (I’m looking at you, TikTok), the acceptance of amateurly produced videos and the availability of easy-to-use recording and editing tools, the time has come for professional services marketers to make video part of their overall marketing strategy.

From improving brand visibility to fostering client relationships, video marketing offers several benefits that can significantly elevate a company’s marketing campaigns. Videos can:

  • Address different learning methods: Not everyone learns the same way. Video accommodates visual learners and will help them retain and understand your information.
  • Increase engagement: Videos are one of the best content formats for engagement. Videos ranked the highest when it comes to the most engaging content type on LinkedIn in 2023.
  • Improve SEO: Video improves site ranking and encourages visitors to stay longer on your site.
  • Build trust: Trust and authority are vital for relationship-building with clients. They need to trust your company and see you as a leader in the industry before they are willing to buy, and video allows a more personal interaction.

Why You Should Consider Video Content Now

In B2B professional services, where purchasing decisions often involve large budgets, multiple stakeholders and numerous inputs, video content can break down complex information effectively. Unlike mainstay text-based marketing tools, videos captivate and resonate with audiences on a deeper level. They offer a visually stimulating medium through which you can showcase your company’s products, services and expertise in a compelling and digestible manner. You can use video to create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression and differentiate your company from the competitors.

The Benefits of Video Marketing for B2B Professional Services

Videos can humanize companies and establish emotional connections with potential clients. By showcasing the people behind the company and sharing authentic stories, you can build trust and credibility within your company’s target audiences. Videos enable companies to demonstrate product features, offer tutorials and provide valuable industry information, which can accelerate the decision-making process for potential clients. Customer testimonials, case studies and behind-the-scenes glimpses can help professional services convey a unique value proposition and address the pain points of the audience.

Types of content B2B professional service companies could create include:

  • Product demonstrations: Use video to demonstrate your product features and benefits, which enhances understanding and trust among your target audience.
  • Explainer videos: Videos can simplify complex concepts and clarify intricate solutions or processes, improving audience comprehension and decision-making.
  • Case studies and testimonials: By showcasing real-world success stories and testimonials, videos help companies establish credibility and trust with potential clients.
  • Webinars and thought leadership series: Hosting webinars gives companies the opportunity to share industry insights and expertise, positioning the brand as a thought leader in the industry.

Cost-Effective Ways to Produce High-Quality Video Content

While the prospect of producing high-quality video content has seemed daunting in the past, there are several cost-effective solutions available that can streamline the process. Today iPhones can record in full HDR video with Dolby Vision just by adjusting a few camera settings. High-quality lighting for video can be purchased on Amazon. Many low-cost and easy-to-use DIY video creation tools like Canva are available to edit your videos. And if you’d rather not tackle the recording and editing yourself, outsourcing production to freelance professionals or agencies is always an option. Repurposing existing assets such as webinars, podcasts or presentations into video format can provide a cost-effective way to diversify content offerings and extend their life.

Optimizing Video Content for Audiences

To maximize the impact of video content in marketing campaigns, you must understand the pain points, preferences and consumption habits of your target audience and then tailor the message to their needs. When you optimize your videos for search engines and social media platforms, you can exponentially increase their visibility and reach, ensuring they connect and resonate with the right stakeholders at the right time.


The time for B2B professional services to incorporate video into their marketing mix has come. With video result metrics on the rise on LinkedIn – the most important platform for B2B today – companies would be wise not to ignore this important marketing tool. Offering a myriad of benefits ranging from increased engagement to enhanced brand visibility and credibility, video can effectively communicate your company’s value proposition and drive meaningful interactions that lead to tangible results. Don’t let the average TikToker turn you off; try one of the many cost-effective solutions for producing high-quality video content and harness the power of video to achieve your marketing objectives and stay ahead of the competition.

About the Author

Cindy Kremer Moen has helped Edge Marketing clients develop successful strategies and tactics to meet their goals since 2006. When not at her desk, she can be found on the trails and waterways near her home on the shores of Lake Superior.

by Vicki LaBrosse

Thought leadership is a marketing strategy that focuses less on content that sells and more on content that establishes you as an expert in your field. It is a legitimate tool to build a business and personal brand. The insights of thought leaders are valuable to others and help establish them as the go-to people in their respective industries. Elevating your thought leadership requires a strategic approach, encompassing various techniques and practices to enhance visibility, credibility and impact.

Define Your Niche: Identify a specific area within your field where you can offer unique insights and expertise. Narrowing down your focus allows you to delve deeply into topics, becoming a trusted resource for specialized knowledge. By carving out a niche, you differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a distinct brand identity.

Create High-Quality Content: Content is the cornerstone of thought leadership. Produce well-researched articles, blog posts, white papers or videos that address relevant industry challenges, emerging trends and innovative solutions. Offer actionable advice, case studies and thought-provoking analyses that demonstrate your expertise and provide value to your audience. Consistency and quality are key to building credibility over time.

Engage in Thoughtful Conversations: Thought leadership is not just about broadcasting ideas; it’s also about fostering meaningful dialogue. Participate in industry forums, webinars, podcasts and networking events to share your insights and engage with peers and influencers. Actively listen to different perspectives, ask thought-provoking questions and contribute constructively to discussions.

Leverage Social Media: Harness the power of social media platforms to amplify your thought leadership efforts. Share your content across LinkedIn, X, Facebook and other relevant channels to reach a broader audience and stimulate engagement. Cultivate a strong online presence by consistently posting valuable insights, participating in relevant conversations and building relationships with followers and industry influencers.

Cultivate Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with complementary thought leaders, organizations or brands to enhance your visibility and credibility. Seek out opportunities for co-authoring articles, speaking engagements, joint ventures or cross-promotions that allow you to leverage each other’s expertise and networks. By aligning yourself with reputable partners, you can extend your reach, access new audiences and reinforce your thought leadership position through association.

Offer Speaking Engagements: Public speaking is a powerful platform for showcasing your thought leadership and sharing your insights with a live audience. Seek out speaking opportunities at conferences, seminars, webinars and industry events where you can demonstrate your expertise and connect with peers and potential clients. Deliver engaging presentations, workshops or panel discussions that address pressing issues, spark discussions and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Invest in Continuous Learning and Innovation: Stay ahead of the curve by actively seeking out new knowledge, trends and advancements in your field. Invest in ongoing education, training, certifications or research projects that deepen your expertise and keep your insights relevant and up to date. Embrace innovation and experimentation, whether by exploring new technologies, methodologies or approaches that challenge conventional thinking and drive meaningful change.

Although the process of becoming a thought leader takes time, establishing oneself this way is crucial for professional success and influence. Proving your status as an influencer in your industry is the most effective way to stand out in a crowded market. Thought leadership is not a destination but rather a journey of constant evolution and contribution to the collective knowledge of your industry.

About the Author

Vicki LaBrosse, director of global public relations for Edge Marketing, works with clients to develop and execute comprehensive PR and marketing strategies that will help grow their business.

by Mary Obregon

Videos have become a dominant force in the constantly changing world of digital media, taking over social media, and changing the way advertisers interact with their target audiences. Video content is becoming more popular due to its unmatched ability to captivate viewers, effectively communicate information, and leave a lasting brand impression. Here are five ways video has become a driving force in marketing, enabling brands to narrate captivating stories, showcase products, and foster stronger connections with target audiences.

  1. The Visual Appeal

One of the key reasons behind the surge in video popularity is the visual appeal that videos offer. Society is naturally drawn to visuals, and videos provide a dynamic and immersive experience that static images or text alone cannot match. The combination of moving images, sound, and storytelling captivates the audience’s attention, making it easier for brands to convey their messages effectively.

  1. Engagement Beyond Words

Videos have proven to be a more engaging medium compared to traditional text-based content. In a fast-paced world where attention spans are shrinking thanks to mediums like LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok, videos offer a quick and digestible format for information consumption. People are more likely to watch a short video than read a lengthy article, allowing marketers to deliver their message in a way that resonates with its audience.

  1. Telling Captivating Brand Stories

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool in marketing, and videos take this narrative approach to a whole new level. Brands can use videos to tell compelling stories that evoke emotions, create a connection with the audience, and build a brand identity. Videos enable brands to create a more genuine and deep connection with clients, whether it’s illustrating the product’s journey from conception to market, offering a behind-the-scenes view of the company’s culture, or having a client tell of their experience in working with them.

  1. Showcasing Products in Action

For product-focused companies, videos provide an opportunity for them to showcase their products in action. Demonstrations, tutorials, and user testimonials come to life in a video format, giving potential clients a clearer understanding of a product’s features and benefits. This visual demonstration not only increases the likelihood of conversions but also helps build trust and credibility with the client.

  1. Social Media Platforms as Video Hubs

Major social media platforms have recognized the dominance of video content and have adapted their features accordingly. Platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok have integrated video-centric functionalities, making it easier for users to create, share, and discover video content. Marketers are leveraging these platforms to reach a wider audience and benefit from the ability of videos going viral.

The rise of video content has transformed the marketing landscape, offering a visually compelling and engaging way for brands to connect with their audiences. Marketers who embrace this trend and invest in creating high-quality, relevant video content stand to gain a competitive edge in capturing the attention and loyalty of their target market. As we move forward, the integration of videos into marketing strategies will continue to evolve, shaping the way brands communicate and engage with clients. If you are looking to amp up your marketing leveraging videos, let the experts at Edge Marketing put their best people, technology, and practices to work for you.

About the Author

Mary joined the Edge team as a marketing intern, shortly after graduating with the class of 2020 from Marist College. She is Edge’s social media and email marketing expert and assists the team with implementing strategic plans.

Mary has danced since the age of 4 and it has become a passion of hers. When she’s not working, she’s either dancing, baking, spending time with friends and family, or exploring New York, where she lives.

by The Edge Marketing Team

This month, the talented experts at Edge Marketing are sharing predictions for trends coming or continuing in 2024. From the rise of hyperpersonalization to the enduring importance of authenticity, read on for the key insights and foresights that will guide our strategies in the coming year.

(Article) Content Remains King

Vicki LaBrosse

Public relations professionals will focus on thought leadership pieces that can be widely distributed by media outlets that need external content sources. Supplying content to trade publications and supporting the creation of news articles and features are an excellent way to increase branding and expand a PR campaign’s reach. Full-time journalists are busy with more prominent news articles, allowing for PR agencies to fill the gap and provide impactful content for their readers. Articles that touch on the topics of thought leadership and other strategies are well-received by journalists and consumers, which means media outlets with a high demand for external content will likely have the need for the content you pitch.

The Delicate Balance of AI, Authenticity and Advancement 

Authenticity Will Be Rewarded

Headshot of Amy Juers

Amy Juers

The bright new shiny object in 2023 was ChatGPT and other generative AI tools that can assist with producing content. But anyone that has tried to use that technology to generate “original content” knows what it can and cannot do. More importantly, the intelligent professionals that work in our industries of legal and accounting can likely spot unauthentic content from a mile away. Brands that represent an authentic voice will be trusted and rewarded as the audience will take notice. Clients and consumers will be unforgiving in the face of nonauthentic content. This is why authenticity is needed, and brands must ensure they go the extra mile in that regard.

Fake News Will Continue to Erode Brand Trust

Megan Miller

Fake news is more prevalent than ever and is expected to get worse in the coming election year. Distrust of online content is not limited to news sources; it also includes fake ads or content on social media channels.

For prospective customers to engage with your brand, they must trust you and the information you are offering.

In a world where algorithms can tend to favor the loudest voices, concerns regarding misinformation make it easy for  skepticism to take hold. It has never been more important for companies to be truthful, consistent and focused.

AI in Technology Products

Nicolle Martin

In the last year, we saw the topic of artificial intelligence centered at many industry events and in many articles in leading legal and accounting technology trade publications, and we also saw many companies announce the integration or addition of AI into their product offerings. 2024 will be no different, and AI will continue to expand in capability and be added to products across the technology spectrum. The capabilities and benefits AI brings to the market will continue to be a main point of discussion within the space.

Hyperpersonalization Represents Next-Level Marketing

Keep Your Eye on LinkedIn Ads in 2024

Cindy Moen

LinkedIn has long been an indispensable platform for B2B advertisers because of its targeting options and data-driven insights, empowering advertisers to reach a precise target audience with tailored content.

In 2024, hyperpersonalization will be a game-changer for marketers. Watch for the LinkedIn advertising platform to introduce advanced analytics, AI and machine learning technology that will give marketers tools to deliver highly individualized content, product suggestions and offers. This trend will go beyond basic segmentation, as businesses strive to engage customers at a deeply personal level across all marketing touchpoints.

Accenture’s finding that 91% of consumers prefer brands that offer personalized experiences underscores the significance of this approach. By using new tools that recognize, remember and provide relevant offers, businesses can foster stronger client relationships and differentiate themselves in a competitive landscape.

Emphasis on QC and Personalization in Tech-Generated Communications

Jennifer Marsnik

Marketing automation and AI-driven tools will continue to gain adoption in 2024. While leveraging the power and efficiency of these technologies, successful marketers will focus on two critical things: quality control and personalization. Integrated, data-driven platforms streamline communication development and execution, but require attention to detail to ensure first impressions are positive and brand integrity is consistently maintained. And with the volume of content and messages reaching audiences today, those that are personalized and tailored to convey an understanding of the recipients’ pain points will get the best results. 

Targeted Efforts in Social Media

Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Digital Media and Social Platforms

Mary Obregon

In the dynamic landscape of digital media and social platforms, video content has surged in 2023, emerging as the preferred method of consumption for individuals. Videos offer a concise yet engaging way to convey information. From short-form clips on platforms like LinkedIn to long-format content on YouTube, videos cater to diverse preferences. Businesses are recognizing this shift and capitalizing on the trend, integrating videos into marketing strategies. Videos enhance brand communication and, when done correctly, foster a deeper connection with audiences. In 2024, incorporating video content will be crucial for companies looking to stay current and connect with their target market as the trend evolves.

 Choosing a Hero Platform

Tanya Amyote

According to Hootsuite’s Social Trends 2024 Report, ROI will take center stage in the coming year as companies drill down to determine which platforms most affect their bottom line. In one example, although 60% of businesses have a presence on X (formerly Twitter), only one-third felt it had been of benefit, leading to a 7% drop in use in 2023.

In 2024, we will see companies devoting time and effort to conducting social media audits. Examining each platform’s effort vs. engagement will enable decision-makers to allocate resources accordingly in the coming year.

About the Authors

by Jennifer Marsnik and Amy Juers, MBA

This article originally appeared in Marketing the Law Firm, Nov. 2023. © ALM Global LLC. Reprinted with permission.

In the dynamic world of social media, businesses must navigate a double-edged sword. While it offers unparalleled opportunities for engagement and brand promotion, it also exposes them to the risk of negative comments and backlash. These comments can originate from dissatisfied clients, disgruntled employees, or even anonymous trolls; however, just as organizations prepare for disaster recovery and data breaches, having a well-thought-out social media response plan is equally critical. In this article, we delve deeper into dealing with negative comments on social media and shedding light on the intricacies of managing your online reputation.

The Multifaceted Landscape of Negative Comments

Negative comments on social media come in various forms, each with its own set of challenges. Understanding the nuances of these comment types is essential for a comprehensive response strategy:

  • Client/Customer Complaints: These comments can range from mild dissatisfaction to outright anger regarding your products, services, or staff.
  • Trolling: Trolls are a common sight on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. They deliberately post provocative and inflammatory comments to incite reactions.
  • Malicious Comments: These go beyond trolling, often containing profanity or offensive language that can be deeply hurtful or damaging to your brand’s image.
  • Threatening Comments: In some instances, comments may take a more sinister turn, becoming physically, emotionally, or otherwise violent in nature.
  • Offensive and Hate Comments: These comments target individuals or groups based on their race, gender, religion, or other personal attributes, spreading negativity and hatred.
  • Spammy Links: Comments that contain suspicious or irrelevant links are an attempt to divert traffic or spread malware.

The Difference Between B2C Responses and B2B Responses

The differences in brand responses to negative comments on social media between business-to-consumer and business-to-business brands are rooted in audience expectations, tone, problem-solving approaches, speed of response, confidentiality, relationship building, and the potential impact on reputation. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for both types of brands to maintain a positive online presence and effectively address customer concerns in their respective markets.

For example, a consumer brand’s response to a negative comment on social media might look like this:

User Comment

“Your product is terrible! It broke after just a week of use. You need to step up your quality control!”

Consumer Brand Response:

“Hi [User’s Name]. We are sorry to hear about your experience with our product and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Quality is one of our top priorities and we take issues like this very seriously. We would like to learn more about your specific situation so we can address it promptly. Please send us a direct message with your order number and any additional details so that we can assist you further. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve, and we’re committed to making this right for you. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

A consumer brand is selling to the masses, whereas legal marketing or B2B businesses are often approaching a niche audience; therefore, a response cannot be as generic or templated.

A B2B response to a negative comment on social media might look like this:

User Comment

“Your client support is abysmal! I’ve been waiting for a response to my query for days. Unacceptable!”

B2B Brand Response:

“Hi [User’s Name]. We are genuinely sorry to hear about the delay in our client support response and we understand your frustration. Providing timely and efficient support is paramount for us and we apologize for falling short in this instance. We take your feedback seriously and are committed to resolving this issue. To expedite the process, could you please DM us with your request or additional details about your query? This will help us investigate the matter and ensure a swift resolution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention; we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our service.”

By responding in this manner, a B2B brand not only acknowledges the user’s concern but also highlights its commitment to addressing issues and improving its services. Maintaining a professional tone and offering a solution or a clear path to resolution are essential for upholding a positive brand image in the B2B sphere where efficiency, reliability and trust are of the utmost importance.

Regardless of whether a brand is B2C or B2B, its responses can demonstrate commitment to client or customer satisfaction, resolve issues efficiently and maintain a positive image in the eyes of its audience. It is essential to maintain professionalism, empathy and transparency in all interactions on social media. An effective response can also open the door to turning negative experiences into opportunities for brand improvement and building trust.

Not Every Negative Comment Should Be Treated the Same

Negative comments vary in nature and responses should not be generalized. It could be something as benign as a conference attendee saying they disagreed with or didn’t like a speaker’s comment on a panel/presentation, or maybe it flares into something more substantive. A client comment likely needs to be brought to one source (sales, client service, etc.) whereas an employee comment needs to be brought to others (their former manager/HR/ legal). It all depends on the comment’s substance and context.

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all auto-response to dealing with negative social posts, the approach to managing them when they do arise should follow a standard process as outlined in your social media strategy.

The Watchful Eye of Your Audience

It’s essential to remember that your response to negative comments on social media is not just about addressing the immediate concern: Current and potential clients, employees and business partners are watching closely. Your reactions to criticism can significantly impact their perception of your brand and how they choose to engage with you. A thoughtful and timely response sends a powerful message of professionalism and commitment to client satisfaction.

About the Authors

Jennifer Marsnik consults with Edge Marketing clients to develop and implement strategic communication plans that support their overall business goals.

Amy Juers, MBA, CEO of Edge Marketing, Inc. enjoys sharing her 25+ years of strategic marketing and public relations experience with her team and clients from all over the world. Amy recently became a published author of the book, “The Marketing Edge: A Sharper Way to Approach Building a Brand.”