New solution from @FTIConsulting streamlines the transfer of cloud-based files into leading document review and analytics platforms

Legalweek NY – February 5, 2020 – NetGovern today announced that it will be actively supporting Ipro’s market-leading technology and product strategy. Through this exciting partnership, NetGovern’s capabilities will soon be integrated with the Ipro eDiscovery solution. The collaboration will provide simplified, consolidated access to multiple sources of enterprise unstructured data for Ipro’s effective eDiscovery workflow.

Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions, the market-leading provider of enterprise legal spend and matter management, contract lifecycle management, and legal analytics solutions, announced the launch of LegalVIEW® BillAnalyzer Data Service, a new managed service that empowers in-house legal bill review teams with AI and data analytics to improve efficiency and reduce legal spend.

ContractPodAi, award-winning provider of AI-powered CLM software launched its newest feature today: Auto-Contract Desk! This generation tool helps users efficiently create a high volume of contracts. Check out our press release! #contractmanagement #CLM

As companies shift to digital-first globalization strategies, meeting and managing regulatory and compliance demands emerge as a top challenge, according to the Digital First Globalization Strategies Research Report from SDL

DISCO Updates Analytics Suite with New Cross-Matter Artificial Intelligence 

Industry-Leading Capabilities Increase Accuracy and Speed of Ediscovery Document Review While Reducing Costs 

NEW YORK — February 4, 2020 — Legal technology leader DISCO today announced a significant update to DISCO Analytics Suite that transforms how artificial intelligence (AI) can be leveraged across all of an organization’s cases. DISCO Analytics Suite now includes cross-matter AI, which empowers legal teams to leverage all of their work product from past and ongoing matters at the start of every new case.  


Previously, AI models were case-specific, with learnings and predictions built on how documents were tagged in a single matter. With each new case, legal teams were forced to tag documents and build new models from scratch. 


With DISCO’s cross-matter AI, organizations can now import AI models at the beginning of every case that are powered by the tagging decisions of previous matters. As teams use these models, tagging signals are fed back into the parent models to make them increasingly more accurate. This bidirectional learning dramatically increases review accuracy and makes the discovery process faster and more efficient.

The DISCO Analytics Suite is designed to give lawyers and legal teams the tools to quickly and easily make sense of large volumes of data, find critical documents, and eliminate irrelevant documents from review. Key features within in the suite include:

  • Interactive data visualization
  • DISCO AI tag predictions (including non-English languages)
  • Predictive visualization
  • Predictive quality control
  • Similar documents with real-time adjustable threshold
  • Email threading
  • Inclusive-email detection
  • Produced-email analytics 
  • Email communication analysis
  • Domain analysis
  • Automatic language detection

“AI and machine learning are transforming the practice of law — but until today, that transformation has been on a matter-by-matter basis,” said Keith Zoellner, DISCO chief technology officer. “Now, legal teams can apply the power of AI fueled by millions of documents across hundreds of matters before a single document in a new case has been tagged. DISCO is truly enabling legal teams to leverage AI to find the most accurate and relevant information for a case faster, and resolve their cases sooner.”

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DISCO is a legal technology company that applies artificial intelligence and cloud computing to legal problems to help lawyers and legal teams improve legal outcomes for their clients. Corporate legal departments, law firms, and government agencies around the world use DISCO for ediscovery, case management, compliance, disputes, and investigations. For more information, visit


Laura Wooster
DISCO Public Relations

According to the “12th Annual Law Department Operations Survey,” released last month, business process improvement is the leading current and expected challenge for corporate legal departments, followed closely by the need to stay abreast of law department technology.

The survey produced by the Blickstein Group is created via an advisory board consisting of law department operations professionals from Fortune 500 companies and other consultants.

The good news from the report is that more corporate legal professionals (70.2%) are reporting that they have the right technology to do their jobs than in the previous survey (68.6%). And more specifically, 57.4% said they had plans to update, evaluate, or implement a document management system (DMS) in the next 12 months to extend that upswing.

However, on a scale of 1 to 10, respondents ranked the effectiveness of DMS technology in general at a 6.7—well behind the 7.1 average score for all legal information technologies. While up from a 5.9 in the previous year’s survey, the 2019 report lists a few reasons for this perceived lack of effectiveness, notedly insufficient training, poor implementation, and underuse.

Here are 3 ways law departments can overcome these and other challenges with DMS and improve their business processes:

Enable better search in a DMS

It’s clear from the low effectiveness scores for DMS technology that traditional products aren’t meeting the needs of contemporary legal departments. One way that this can be improved is to enable better search in your DMS.

Users need to more effectively save and search a large volume of documents, emails, and messages that flow through the legal department. Modern DMS offers suggested filing locations and personalized search that delivers more accurate results by remembering what you search for most often.

While 47.4% of survey respondents indicated they don’t use Artificial Intelligence in their legal departments, this technology is ripe for improving DMS effectiveness. By enabling improved user document search and even extraction of specific datasets buried in documents with AI, legal departments can significantly improve their business processes. Nearly 27% of survey respondents indicated they’re using AI for e-discovery or document review, while 13% indicated they’re using it for insight or predictions.

Offer a better DMS experience to users and the organization

As suggested in the survey, DMS effectiveness often is hindered by underuse. One strategy to overcome this challenge is to offer legal departments a more consumer-like experience with these technologies. Modern DMS empowers professionals to work more productively while enabling legal departments to be more efficient, agile, and responsive to the changing business environment.

It does so by mirroring consumer applications like Amazon and Google, with intuitive features that work the way users want to work on any device, while requiring minimal training. It anticipates user actions, and integrates with other tools that legal professionals use, such as matter management, conflict management, and workflow software.

Further, a modern DMS offers benefits at the organization level, with cloud delivery models to enhance organizational agility with rapid deployment, automated updates, and the flexibility to add new functionality as needed.

Offer comprehensive security in a DMS

Legal organizations have unique requirements for securing documents for all their different clients. This only becomes more complex when they must also meet the various legal requirements for all the countries in which they do business. So, it’s no surprise that handling global issues ranked 6th in top challenges legal departments face according to the survey, while compliance issues and data protection came in 9th.

Modern DMS delivers comprehensive security, built on established industry best practices, to protect information assets. These protections are augmented by comprehensive governance, security, and risk mitigation features including need-to-know security and ethical walls, to govern information access.

Learn more about how a modern DMS can help your legal department improve its business processes here.

The role of the lawyer will inevitably change over the coming years. The legal workplaces of the very near future will inevitably comprise AI, human and hybrid legal talent. As we witness the evolution of AI and its take-up in the world at large, we are likely to experience a more measured approach and gradual warming to the evolution of this technology in the legal world throughout the next few years, which will then lead to a tsunami deployment.

What does this mean for the legal market? Begin by understanding the power of this technology, and what AI can do to support you in your transitioning role and help you continue to be successful in the months and years ahead.

Download our whitepaper:

Mutual Mobile is very proud to attend Legal Week for the first time and introduce ourselves to the legal tech community. 

John Paul Sommer is the Vice President of XR (Extended Reality) at Mutual Mobile.  Throughout his career, he has held leadership positions at elite game companies like EA, Zynga, Midway, and Microsoft. His extensive background in visual design and interactive software development spans over twenty five years, incorporating many different platforms including PC, Console, Mobile, and now XR. 

Over the last several years, John has co-founded a VR Entertainment Company, as well as designed and produced over 20 XR experiences for some of the world’s largest brands like Walmart, Nestle, Toyota, Salesforce, Lockheed Martin, and Royal Caribbean. John plays a key role at Mutual Mobile in driving successful business development for emerging XR technologies.

John will be delivering 20-min lightning talks on Wednesday in LITE theatre on the 2nd level right outside of Rhinelander Hall. 

Trial Prep in VR: Help reduce fear and anxiety to perform confidently under pressure.  

Wednesday, 1:30 pm


Mitratech, a leading provider of legal and compliance software, today announced at LegalTech New York 2020 that it saw record financial results and profits in 2019, as well as unveiling a key acquisition to bolster its product lineup, changes to its leadership team and additions to its global partnership network.