Differentia Consulting and digital transformation platform provider Cyferd are delighted to announce the signing of their forthcoming go-to-market partnership agreement, which was made official today.

Differentia Consulting, the technology-focused BI and ERP consultancy that has specialised in solutions, support, and training in several different fields since 2002, is excited to be moving forward on a new business venture. They aim to help businesses achieve operational excellence, adopt hyper automation strategies, and become more agile.

Cyferd is an agile digital transformation platform that takes a new and unique approach to data-driven digital transformation by tackling the problem of data fragmentation and data silos at the source. The platform enables users to create scalable, secure business applications in the cloud without the requirement for coding, on a unified data layer, accelerating digital business transformation.

The partnership, which aims to make significant gains in solving strategic business issues, such as compliance, will focus on creating a shared solution for streamlined organisational processes. Planned projects include improvements on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics, such as net-zero carbon emission targets, as well as Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), including supply chain cyber compliance.

Adrian Parker, Senior VP of Strategy and Marketing at Differentia Consulting, is excited to be working in the agile transformation platform space – where he has extensive previous experience.

“We’re moving forward with Cyferd on facilitating graph-powered digital transformation journeys using digital twins,” Parker notes. “We’re making digital transformation more agile by re-engineering digital processes.”

The partnership is particularly significant due to a shared ethos between the two companies. With the Cyferd platform, users can reap the benefits of cloud minus the complexity by using one unified data model and reduce the barriers to business innovation. This model upends existing methods of digital transformation and positions Cyferd as a disruptor to watch in the tech sphere. Meanwhile, Differentia Consulting has an excellent reputation for enabling organisations to make their operational processes smarter through use of data.

Greg Merten, Senior VP of Alliances and Partners at Cyferd, suggests that Cyferd’s low-work promise aligns with Differentia Consulting’s vision for Lean IT.

“Ultimately, the partnership is hoped to achieve long-term successes for organisations to achieve accelerated agile digital transformation,” Merten says. “We’re excited to be working with a solution partner like Differentia Consulting that matches our appetite for growth.”

What’s next for 2022? Go-to-market activities are set to commence shortly in the new year, with updates from both companies’ social media accounts arriving soon.

Read more: https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/differentia-consulting-and-cyferd-announce-go-to-market-partnership#ixzz7vrmu3tAF

Washington D.C., March 14, 2023

Knovos, a leading technology company, is pleased to announce its participation at the most prominent legal event, “LegalWeek” by ALM in Hilton Midtown, NYC, from March 20 to March 23, 2023.

This year Knovos is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The company has redefined the purpose of its solutions and initiated a meaningful capability including an enhanced user experience transformation in line with the future goals and GTM strategy.

This transformation is not limited to platforms’ functionality; the company adopted a new implementation standard and introduced absolute white-labeling options for strategic partners and resellers.

“We firmly believe that each organization, irrespective of its size, deserves easy access to technology to be successful in this digital-first world. We at Knovos enable organizations with AI-enabled information management solutions.” – said Dharmesh Shingala, CEO of Knovos.

Knovos value-focused innovations in the field of eDiscovery & Risk Mitigation, Information Governance & Compliance, Content Analytics & Collaboration, Contract Life Cycle Management, Process & Case Management, as well as Arbitration Management are widely endorsed by attorneys, corporate counsels, and Government officials. Knovos technologies drive innovation at the workplace, safeguard business information, and improve data discoverability holistically.

Moreover, the company’s flexible deployment and predictable pricing options encourage companies of all sizes to adopt the technologies or switch from expensive vendors.

“We have launched a dedicated self-learning platform called Knovos Academy that provides engaging training and product certification for you and your team. It is a systematic approach to discovering the true potential of Knovos solutions.” said Kirit Palsana – Director, Knovos.

Knovos will be distributing LegalWeek exclusive gift pass to get early-bird access to Knovos Academy. Visit Knovos booth #1101 for more information.

CEO Dharmesh Shingala, Director Kirit Palsana, Joe Bartolo, Connor Morgan, Vishwarup Dhagat, Kishan Shingala, and Sibi Pillai will attend LegalWeek this year.

To schedule a personalized meeting or product demonstration, you can fill out the contact form here: https://www.knovos.com/events/legalweek-2023/

About Knovos

Knovos, a leading technology company founded in 2002, solves complex information management challenges for the world’s largest law firms, corporations, and some of the prestigious government agencies.

In its two decades’ journey of “value-focused” innovations, Knovos has developed 45+ enterprise-grade technology solutions. End-to-end eDiscovery, Information Governance or GRC, Legal Holds, Legal Case Management, Content Collaboration, Arbitration Management, and Contract Management are some of the most commonly adopted solutions by legal professionals.

To chase the new-age data challenges in this digital-first world, Knovos integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning technologies in its solutions.

With offices across three continents and exceptional customer service, Knovos is recognized as the most trusted technology partner for legal. Visit Knovos website for the latest updates, interesting customer stories, and more.


Important Note: This Press Release is originally published on Knovos Newsroom.

In the modern business world, security and efficiency are key to staying ahead of the competition. Many modern companies are turning to eSignatures as the main way to sign documents due to their many business benefits and conveniences.

By implementing eSignatures into your business, you both improve the security of your company with the many added technological innovations like IP tracking and Multi-Factor Authentication. You also speed the process up for your business and save time throughout the day, while saving costs all-round.

Getting started with an eSignature solution is simple for any business, and can be done very easily with Blue Car Technologies’ help. If you’re looking to get started with eSignatures, contact the Blue Car team > https://www.bluecartechnologies.com/post/esignatures-managing-documents-and-contracts-from-end-to-end

Dennemeyer brings you the biggest news stories and updates from the world of IP: a microchip security breach, the ongoing dispute over COVID-19 vaccine patents and a trademark lawsuit that was more high class than class action.

Click for full article.

Technology pioneer Hanzo, a provider of enterprise solutions for legal, governance, and compliance teams is proud to introduce Hanzo Command Center. Designed to work seamlessly with Hanzo Illuminate, Hanzo Command Center is a Slack ediscovery application that allows users to create matters securely, initiate legal holds, add custodians, and trigger collections in either Slack or Google Workspace directly from within Slack.

Today, users perform many daily tasks within collaboration platforms such as Slack. Research has also shown that “context switching” between platforms and applications takes a toll on productivity and stress levels. Slack, in conjunction with GlobalWebIndex, “reported in their 2019 Slack State of Work” report that 64% of aligned workers report spending 30+ minutes daily switching apps resulting in 130+ lost hours a year just switching between applications.

“Understanding Slack’s Digital HQ philosophy that encourages more work to be contained and performed within Slack to facilitate greater productivity was at the forefront of our thinking when designing Command Center,” said Dave Ruel, Head of Product, Hanzo. “It was important for us to empower enterprise legal teams to improve their workflows by enabling them to manage ediscovery processes in Slack where they were already working.”

Hanzo’s Command Center eliminates productivity-killing context-switching and enables enterprise legal teams to perform eDiscovery duties up to 50% faster* than using Hanzo Illuminate alone. The Slack-based application also provides a guided workflow from matter creation to collection, making the entire process easier to navigate and perform. (Watch the video)

*Hanzo internal benchmark tests have shown that matter creation and custodian assignments are up to 50% faster using Command Center than Illuminate alone.

Command Center comes as a feature application for Hanzo Illuminate customers who also have a Slack enterprise grid license and/or Google Business Plus or Enterprise license. Existing Hanzo Illuminate customers will gain access to this application at no additional cost. Following is a list of functions included in the Hanzo Command Center application.

  • Matter Creation – Create a matter within Hanzo Illuminate with a name, description, data sources, and optional start/end dates
  • Add Custodian – Add custodian(s) to existing Hanzo Illuminate matters at any point in the ediscovery process.
  • Collect Matter – Trigger a matter collection with optional start/end dates for Slack/Gmail/GDrive data sources.
  • Matter List – Generate a Matter List in Command Center’s “Messages” area.
  • Custodian List – Generate a list of custodians for a selected matter within the Command Center’s “Messages” area.
  • Channel List – Generate a list of channels for a selected matter within the Command Center’s “Messages” area.
  • Close Matter – Close a matter in Hanzo Illuminate. This terminates matter syncing into Slack and releases custodians from hold in Slack and/or Google Vault.
  • Shortcut Actions – All features above are available via shortcuts in the Command Center Messages area.
  • Messages Area – Actions performed in Command Center are logged in the Messages area. Users can search the message area for custodians, actions, matter names, etc.

About Hanzo

Hanzo helps global enterprises manage and reduce legal risk wherever work gets done. Our vision is to provide enterprises with a single source of truth for their complex communications data. Hanzo solutions capture investigations, litigation, and compliance data from wherever employees collaborate — efficiently tackling the massive volume and unique complexities that emerging data sources present. Hanzo’s software empowers defensible preservation, targeted collection, and efficient review of dynamic content. Hanzo is SOC 2® Type 2 certified, demonstrating its commitment to data security and serving large corporations worldwide. Learn more at hanzo.co and follow updates on Twitter: @gethanzo or on LinkedIn.


Sarena Regazzoni
Senior Director of Communications Hanzo

Should You Consider Hiring a Virtual Legal Assistant?

A law firm is a busy place and features a wide variety of tasks that must be completed each day to ensure you are providing the best services for your clients. Hiring a legal virtual assistant can help you accomplish both with ease. By using a virtual assistant for attorneys, you free up a significant amount of your time, allowing you to focus on critical legal proceedings while your virtual assistant handles clerical work and other day-to-day operations.

Virtual Legal Assistant Services

A law firm virtual assistant can help your firm to become more efficient, scale more rapidly, and provide your clients with a better overall experience. Virtual assistant services include completing routine administrative tasks and improving customer service by managing client-facing interactions as well as and coordinating important meetings and deadlines. This could also include scheduling appointments, conducting legal research, writing contracts, and even accounting.

In short, a legal virtual assistant is essentially an extension of yourself and your in-house staff when it comes to handling whatever tasks you choose. As a result, what and how much a virtual paralegal does depend on your specific needs. Some of the legal services that most often use virtual assistants include immigration attorneys, family lawyers, workers’ compensation lawyers, and personal injury lawyers. While these are most common, they are certainly not the only types of firms that can benefit from employing a virtual paralegal.

Click for the full article.

It’s no secret that many attorneys aren’t happy in the traditional law firm model. Long hours with stressful and inflexible schedules make attorney burnout common. A 2021 mental health survey by American Lawyer Media found that 71% of lawyers experience anxiety and the Great Resignation put a stronger spotlight on this long standing industry trend. Additionally, many attorneys have been caught up in the recent whirlwind of tech company layoffs, finding themselves looking for ways to bridge a gap between roles and create new income streams.

Attorneys can look to a legal marketplace as a solution to grow their burgeoning practices. Legal marketplaces connect companies with outside legal services, which include solo practitioners and small or boutique law firms (in addition to larger law firms and alternative legal services providers).

So what does creating a new practice utilizing a legal marketplace look like? Attorneys from many different backgrounds with all types of skill sets find success on Priori Marketplace. Here are a few examples of ways attorneys have recently used Marketplace to bridge career gaps, secure new positions, work more flexibly and more.

Click to read the article.

Is it taking hours for you to redact documents? iDox.ai, a subsidiary of Foxit Software has launch a powerful AI-powered redaction solution. iDox.ai Redact can scan 47 different types of unstructured documents including PDFs, spreadsheets, and word documents. Learn how idox.ai redaction can help your organization: https://idox.ai/

Click for YouTube video.

Click to listen to this episode of Health-Powered Productivity Podcast with RaderCo and Virtual Latinos.

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