Eve’s customers from Frontier Law Center are coming to LegalWeek to talk about how they are transforming their practice with AI. Read more about the application of Eve here and stop by booth #1323 to talk about how generative AI is augmenting law firms.


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Knovos’ solution experts to attend LegalWeek to demonstrate the latest AI innovations that enable legal professionals to conquer information management challenges.

Knovos announced today that its top legal technology experts will attend LegalWeek 2024. The technology leaders will present solutions to address dynamic information management challenges faced by legal professionals. Attendees can interact with Knovos experts and attend demonstrations at Booth #3111.

Knovos’ AI-powered solutions empower legal professionals to gain power over data in this digital-first world. Law Firms, Consultants, Service Providers, Arbitration Institutions, Corporations, and Government Agencies rely on Knovos’ customized, flexible solutions to adapt to the modern workplace and proliferating world of data.

“Knovos was one of the first companies to offer a machine learning/(AI) TAR solution to the legal industry many years ago. As such, we are uniquely positioned to guide clients on the AI journey and beyond,” said Dharmesh Shingala, Knovos CEO. “With enterprise data volumes exploding and morphing to create information management battlefields, our commitment to building solutions for complex data challenges burns as bright today as it did 21 years ago.”

At Booth #3111, LegalWeek attendees can learn more about how Knovos assists organizations in reducing eDiscovery costs, organizing case documents, systematizing legal holds, eliminating inefficient workflows, improving legacy processes, and gaining control and visibility over enterprise data. The company will exhibit and demonstrate exciting product updates.

Generative AI integration in Knovos Discovery: Introduced Generative AI-assist to facilitate prompt-based searching and gaining insights out of voluminous data.

Generative Text Assist for Knovos Manage: Communication management has gotten much easier now with Knovos’ AI-assisted features that help you generate content using prompts.

AI-Driven Content Searching for Knovos RoomsCLM is now simpler and more effective with Knovos Rooms. Prompt-based searching empowers you to leverage Knovos’ intelligent assistant, an AI-powered platform, for extracting facts swiftly.

Knovos Academy – Enhanced product experience with video help guides & simulations that provide a smooth onboarding experience for users. Knovos licensed customers can also access “product certification” courses and get a chance to learn products systematically and become “certified product experts.”

Knovos’ experts look forward to many conversations with attorneys from global law firms, legal ops, litigation support, IT, compliance, service providers, and consultants that convene each year at the New York Hilton Midtown for LegalWeek. This year’s conference takes place January 29 – February 1, 2024.

Most legal departments deal with huge amounts of data every day. From e-billing platforms to compliance software to internal documents to public data sources, the issue faced by legal teams isn’t where to find data but where to find the right data.

For making decisions about outside counsel spending, easily accessing actionable data is a challenge for even the largest legal departments. According to the Thomson Reuters 2023 Legal Department Operations Index, only 9% of legal departments have outside counsel management processes that are “predictive” and include forecasting and benchmarking of performance.

With the largest companies spending over $130 million per year on outside counsel, it’s clear there is a huge opportunity for legal operations professionals and in-house counsel to make a business impact with better outside counsel management processes. One common way large legal departments achieve this is through law firm scorecarding. In this article we’ll take a look at scorecarding, explaining what it means in the legal department context, its benefits and best practices.


For legal departments, law firm scorecarding is simply a systematic approach to something that in-house counsel and legal operations professionals are already doing: Analyzing outside counsel performance. Instead of an endeavor that individual legal team members undertake separately using their own rubrics, scorecarding operationalizes the process of reviewing law firms and attorneys, setting standard categories and measurements on which to judge them.


The overall goals of law firm scorecarding should align with your legal department’s business goals. Maybe those are larger goals such as cost savings, increased efficiency and better results or maybe they are smaller-scale goals such as retaining institutional knowledge or building more consistent processes. The Association of Corporate Counsel’s (ACC) Value Challenge Tool Kit Resource, “How to Formally Evaluate Outside Counsel’s Performance to Improve Service,” explains some of the key benefits of scorecarding:

Increased Consistency. Formalizing law firm reviews through a scorecarding process ensures that firms are measured in a consistent way across all members of the legal department. The review data collected about a law firm through scorecarding is much more valuable because it can be compared apples-to-apples with every firm the company works with.

Managed Expectations. Being able to explain the specific ways your legal department grades law firms helps outside counsel understand what you’re looking for and how they’re being judged. When it comes time for rate negotiations, scorecarding provides a consistently applied objective standard that shows outside counsel how they performed.

Retained Knowledge. Systematically reviewing outside counsel creates a database of knowledge about the law firms your legal department works with. That information is carried forward even if individual relationships are lost.

Standardized Cycle of Reviews. Scorecarding serves as a reminder for legal operations professionals and in-house counsel to reflect on and review outside counsel relationships. It ensures that important information about successful (and failed) matters is kept. It also helps to gather feedback from all team members who interact with the law firm, which can sometimes be overlooked without an operationalized review process.


One of the most important elements of a scorecard is its design. While the underlying data is what will drive decision-making and improve your legal department’s processes, without the right design that data will be hidden and, ultimately, useless.

Legal departments can perform law firm scorecarding effectively with everything from a bare-bones spreadsheet to a bespoke, top-of-the-line tech implementation. In thinking about design, the general goal is to create something that surfaces important data points clearly and can be understood at a glance.

Here are a few tips on format that we learned while building the scorecarding function for our outside counsel decision-making platform, Scout:

  • A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: It’s obvious but true—make your scorecard visual wherever possible. Clean and crisp visual representations of data increase efficiency because your team will spend less time poring over documents and more time making decisions.

  • Highlight the Important Information: Put number labels on design elements like bars or stars so users aren’t left guessing exactly what the measurement is. Similarly, use up and down arrows to indicate increases or decreases compared to historical data or benchmarks. Just like the point above, the more you can add to make the data quickly understandable, the more time your team will have for decision-making.

  • Keep It Simple: Minimize the amount of explanatory text and, if possible, include all of the relevant information on one page. If a one-page format is too limited, consider creating an “executive summary” version of the scorecard and include additional pages or tabs to collect the supporting details.


To create an effective scorecard, you need to thoughtfully choose the categories you’re going to judge law firms by. When doing this, it helps to keep in mind general principles for measuring performance. Whether you use something like the SMART (or Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-related) goal-setting framework or another method, thinking about the ways you want to measure performance and making sure you can communicate and keep track of those categories will ensure your scorecard performs its purpose.

We worked with our legal department clients to build law firm scorecarding into Scout and learned about what worked well (and what didn’t) along the way. Here are a few tips for creating effective categories for your scorecard:

  • Evaluate quantitative and qualitative measures. You’ll want a mix of both to capture the fullest picture of your outside counsel. Quantitative examples include spend, forecasting performance, time to invoice, staffing ratios, use of AFAs, case or matter outcomes, conformance with outside counsel billing guidelines and diversity statistics. Qualitative examples include things like how happy in-house attorneys are with the firm, proactive strategic and/or industry insights provided by the firm and pro bono or CLE opportunities.

  • Encourage objectivity and data-based assessment. For qualitative measures (e.g., innovation or creativity measures), create a scoring system.

  • Focus your data categories on metrics that drive your decision-making process. Limit your scorecard to three to six categories if possible and avoid summarizing all of the data you have about a law firm.

  • Include different levels of benchmarks (e.g., all firms, comparable firms and by cohort based on experience, expertise, etc.).

  • Include an overall or composite score that is weighted based on key metrics in your categories. This creates a shorthand for quick comparison.


Now that you’ve decided which data categories you’re including in your scorecard and what it looks like, how do you start using it and ensuring it helps your legal department achieve its goals?

The most important first step is to incorporate your scorecard into your existing workflows. Collecting metrics and populating the scorecard is a huge win, but if you’re not using it to make decisions it’s not going to have the impact you want it to. It is also important to establish a regular reporting cadence that fits in with your workflows and business needs. This ensures that the data doesn’t become stale and it also helps as a reminder to review the results from scorecarding in your other processes.

We have found that many legal teams, especially those in large legal departments operating on the cutting edge of the industry, are moving away from manual, static processes using spreadsheets into tool-based reporting options. If the time it takes to build, compile and execute a law firm scorecarding strategy is holding your legal department back, looking to legal technology to offset that time and energy expense could be the right option.

If you’re curious about how our outside counsel decision-making platform, Scout, not only helps legal teams build a scorecard but also manage outside counsel relationships and structure unorganized data using artificial intelligence, schedule a demo with our team to learn more.

CARET Legal, a leading legal practice management platform for attorneys and legal professionals, has launched its groundbreaking new feature, CARET Legal Workflows. This latest addition to CARET Legal’s robust suite of features is set to transform the way legal professionals manage and automate their tasks.

CARET Legal Workflows is meticulously designed to alleviate the burden of manual entry for legal professionals, offering a streamlined approach to task management. This feature simplifies the automation of complex processes such as setting up a deposition, drafting settlement negotiations or creating a will, while ensuring that each team member only sees the tasks relevant to them.

Learn more.

A platform available in the cloud, on premises or as a hybrid. Language Weaver technology at a glance:

  • Flexible deployment via on-premises, cloud or hybrid options
  • Browser-based user interface for translating text and documents
  • API to integrate real-time translation with existing systems and workflows
  • Connectors for popular applications such as Microsoft Office, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, ServiceNow and many more
  • Adaptive machine learning that can automatically fine-tune translation performance

Learn how legal teams are securing their AI advantage – RWS Language Weaver

Visit our experts at booth #2111 today

Plaintiff law firms can benefit significantly from the automation of various processes and tasks. Automation can streamline operations, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall effectiveness of the firm.

In today’s world, technology is fundamentally reshaping the way personal injury cases are prepared, argued, and resolved. Plaintiff law firms, in particular, are reaping significant benefits from the automation of various processes and tasks.


The Role of Technology in Personal Injury Cases

Recent technological advances are altering the landscape of personal injury cases, revolutionizing the legal strategies employed by attorneys and medical professionals alike. From evidence gathering to expert testimony, technology has become an indispensable ally. Its impact is profound, extending to insurance premiums, settlements, and the ultimate outcomes of personal injury cases.

Technology is not just a tool. It’s a driving force behind how personal injury cases are argued, won, and decided.


Gathering Evidence: A Technological Imperative

One critical aspect of this technological transformation is the use of automated tools for gathering evidence. These tools allow attorneys and their clients to access elusive facts, data, and information that can make or break a case.

Artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, has revolutionized evidence analysis, witness tracking, and legal argumentation. The infusion of data-driven insights has bolstered the accuracy of risk assessment and streamlined settlement negotiations.


Streamlining Operations through Automation

The benefits of automation extend beyond evidence gathering and court filings. Plaintiff law firms can significantly streamline their operations through automation, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs. Some of these benefits include:


Document Management:

Automation tools streamline time-consuming tasks like document review, data entry, and case management. This frees up staff time to focus on critical aspects of their work, such as legal research and strategy.

Document Generation:

Automated document generation and review tools expedite the creation and review of legal documents, including contracts, pleadings, and briefs.

Cost Reduction:

By automating routine tasks, plaintiff firms can reduce their reliance on manual labor and administrative staff, leading to cost savings. Smaller or single-office firms can handle a higher caseload more efficiently.

Enhanced Client Service:

Automation leads to faster response times, better communication, and improved client service. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer new clients and provide positive reviews.


Popular Automation Tools for Plaintiff Law Firms

Many plaintiff law firms have adopted automation software  to assist in organizing and managing case files, deadlines, and client information more effectively. Improved organization fosters better communication and coordination within the firm and with clients.



Litify is a comprehensive legal practice management software. It integrates various functionalities such as case management, document management, client communication, scheduling, and analytics. By centralizing case files and information, Litify helps lawyers efficiently track deadlines, manage tasks, collaborate within the team, and provide better service to their clients. Its customizable features enable your firm to adapt the platform to your specific needs.


Filevine is another popular automation tool used by plaintiff law firms. It focuses on workflow automation and collaboration. It helps in organizing case files, tracking deadlines, automating repetitive tasks, and managing communication with clients. Filevine’s emphasis on customizable workflows allows firms to create tailored processes that align with your unique requirements. Its analytics and reporting features provide insights that can aid in making informed decisions and improving case management strategies.


Clio is a cloud-based practice management software offering a range of features, including case management, time tracking, billing, document management, and client communication. Clio’s user-friendly interface and mobile accessibility enables lawyers to access crucial information and manage their workload from anywhere, enhancing productivity and client service. Integration with other legal tools and services makes it a versatile choice for law firms seeking comprehensive solutions.


Prevail is a case management software primarily designed for plaintiff law firms dealing with Social Security disability, personal injury, and other related cases. It assists in case management, document generation, time tracking, and client communication.

Foundation AI:

Foundation AI delivers secure, scalable, intelligent document processing solutions to the legal and insurance industries. The platform connects and unifies all document input sources and integrates with downstream systems to optimize and automate document processing workflows.


Proof is a platform that focuses on client communication and collaboration. It provides tools for secure client messaging, document sharing, and collaboration within a protected environment. Proof can facilitate secure communication channels between attorneys and clients, allowing for the efficient exchange of sensitive information, case updates, and documentation. Enhanced communication and collaboration can lead to improved client relationships and streamlined workflows within the firm.


LawPay is a payment processing solution designed specifically for law firms. It ensures compliance with trust accounting rules, and provides secure payment processing for client transactions. LawPay enables easy and secure online payment acceptance for legal fees and client invoices. It simplifies the billing process, enhances financial management, and ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards governing attorney-client transactions.

SMS Magic:

SMS Magic offers a text messaging platform that integrates with CRM systems, enabling businesses to engage with customers through SMS communication. For plaintiff law firms, SMS Magic can be beneficial in improving client communication and engagement. It allows you to send appointment reminders, case updates, and notifications to clients via text messages, providing a convenient and direct communication channel that enhances client satisfaction and engagement.

Even Up:

Even Up is a platform designed to streamline and automate the complex process of class action settlement administration. It helps manage the entire settlement process, including data management, claim filing, distribution calculations, and reporting. For plaintiff law firms involved in class action lawsuits, Even Up simplifies the settlement administration process, reduces administrative burdens, and ensures accurate and efficient distribution of settlements to class members.

ECFX Notice: Streamlining Court Filings

One standout tool for plaintiff law firms is ECFX Notice, which automates the processing of electronic court filing (ECF) notices. This innovative system ensures that ECF notices are downloaded, profiled according to firm naming conventions, stored in your preferred DMS or file system, and distributed to all relevant parties – all without human intervention.

The alternative is manual handling of ECF notices, which comes with inherent downsides: including errors, risks, and duplicative efforts. Multiple individuals accessing and downloading the same documents independently leads to increased costs, lack of control, and inefficiencies.

Automation of this process reduces risk, enforces firm knowledge management guidelines, and supports timely calendaring. The resulting ECF notice management is centralized, controlled, fast, fully automated, customizable, and 100% accurate.

ECFX Notice integrates with your existing solutions and manages multiple storage locations across departments and locations – including your preferred CMS, DMS, file repositories, and shared folders (on-prem and cloud) – while ensuring complete consistency and accuracy.

Automation is reshaping plaintiff law firms, offering a multitude of benefits. It’s not merely a technological option, but a necessity in today’s legal landscape. By embracing automation, plaintiff law firms can enhance their efficiency, reduce costs, and, most importantly, provide better service to their clients, ultimately leading to improved outcomes in personal injury cases.


Lean into automation, and request an ECFX Notice product demo today.

See why @LanguageWeaver is the proven secure machine translation solution that protects your organization at every step, while delivering significant business value.

  1.  Robust user access and client data security.
  2.  Speedy outcomes with superior document handling and processing.
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Infuse AI advantage into the legal sector with Language Weaver.

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Join Thomson Reuters at ALM Legalweek 2024 at the New York Hilton Midtown! Thomson Reuters will be hosting two Ethics sessions on Thursday, February 1st in the Trianon Ballroom. Our esteemed panel of experts will discuss the Ethical and Regulatory Impacts of Using Your Data to Train AI and Navigating the New Landscape: Addressing New Challenges to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs.

You do not need a pass to Legalweek to attend these two Thomson Reuters-hosted sessions. Lunch is included. CLE credit eligible. View the Legalweek agenda here.

Click here to reserve your spot.

Mitratech is thrilled to announce the expansion of our portfolio through the acquisition of two companies: Syntrio, a leader in compliance training, ethics hotlines, and reporting; and Mineral, a world-class provider of predictive HR and compliance services.

The combination of Syntrio and Mineral, alongside Mitratech’s cutting-edge solutions in enterprise legal management, policy management, workflow automation, and more, presents the market’s most complete and integrated compliance platform.

To learn more about these acquisitions, please visit the press release here.

Grab some time with Thomson Reuters at ALM Legalweek January 29th through February 1st, 2024 at the New York Hilton Midtown! Meet with Thomson Reuters in our private meeting space in booth 1201 in Rhinelander Hall to learn more about our latest generative AI capabilities. Our meeting space will be open during exhibit hall hours, beginning at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, January 30th.

Click here to book.