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Please use this page and complete as much of this form possible to have your content be visible and searchable for media.

Enter a short description of the file you are uploading. This description will be read by media who are logged in looking at your company's uploaded files.

Enter key words or phrases for the file you are uploading. Separate words or phrases by using a comma. These key words will be used by media who are logged in to search uploaded files.

Browse and select the file for upload. Only one file per form. You can upload another file after this one is submitted.

File name:

File size:

If the file you wish to use is located on your own web hosting, you may specify the URL of the file here.

By selecting "Yes," you are giving permission for your press releases and other items to be posted to The Edge Room blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn sites. The Edge Room blog and social media initiatives make it even easier for members of the media to instantly access the most current information vendors have available for an event.

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