Entries by atran@cobblestonesoftware.com

Discover how #CobbleStoneSoftware ‘s online document editor can make online document editing and collaboration easy. #ContractManagement #Contracts #LegalTechnology

Simply put, document editing and document collaboration can be a nightmare – especially as they apply to contract management.  Manual and outdated document editing methods often require lots of moving parts – including various emailed communications about numerous document edits, frantic scrambling for relevant clauses, and convoluted procedures for document version tracking.  These processes can easily lead […]

Learn how #CobbleStoneSoftware’s AI-based #ContractManagementSoftware can help your organization maximize contract #Data, reduce #Risk, and increase visibility. #AI #ArtificialIntelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already sharpening professional methods across a variety of industries.  However, advancements in AI can be particularly advantageous as they apply to contract management software systems – if contract intelligence engines built upon a foundation of machine learning are fed a nutritious diet of relevant contract data. How AI is Changing Contract Management Cast aside apocalyptic […]

6 Critical Contract Management Tools for 2021

2021 has arrived, and with it comes new innovations to your contract management software processes.  Keeping this in mind, we have outlined six critical contract management tools that your organization should equip itself with to stay ahead of future-minded contract management best practices in 2021 and beyond. #1 – Complete Contract Lifecycle Management No organization should navigate […]

7 Vital Legal Contract Management Software Tools for 2021

As 2021 draws ever nearer, the truth remains that general counsel and paralegals continue to encounter growing contract complexity and volume.  An ineffectual legal contract management process makes obstacles for legal departments tough to overcome.  Here’s how to leverage seven legal contract management software tools for a streamlined legal contract lifecycle, reduced risk, and minimal contract lifecycle […]

CobbleStone Releases Deeper Outlook Integration with Contract Insight®

CobbleStone Software, a proven leader in contract management software, is pleased to announce additional enhancements to its proprietary PC Helper App for MS Outlook. The application integrates seamlessly with CobbleStone’s award-winning contract management software suite – Contract Insight®. CobbleStone users can maximize the tool for smarter, faster, and easier contract lifecycle management. The app provides users with […]

CobbleStone Software’s VISDOM® AI Streamlines Contract Record Creation

CobbleStone Software, a leader in contract management and eProcurement software, is excited to announce simple, AI-Based contract record creation with VISDOM®, now available with the release of Contract Insight® version 17.5.0. Contract creation has never been easier, thanks to Contract Insight’s drag and drop record initiation. Now available out-of-the-box, this new VISDOM-integrated feature allows users to easily […]