At kitchen tables, workplaces, bars, and various media outlets around the globe AI has been a hot topic. It’s fair to say ‘the hype got real in 2023’, and we at Henchman must admit that all the buzz is quite contagious.
Is AI fatigue looming in 2024 and will we see a survival of the fittest when it comes to AI tools, or will the daggering speed at which new tools are popping like mushrooms continue – and even develop themselves, like some dare to say?
The central question remains clear: what problems are we trying to solve, what specific use cases might apply, and which tech is best suited to solve them?
To keep you fresh, energized, and fueled with ideas, we at Henchman asked a bunch of legal experts within our network what they see happening in the legal world regarding tech, what purpose legal tech should serve, and what they believe the ideal legal tech stack in 2024 (and beyond) looks like.
Curious to discover whether they bought a ticket for the hype train, or if they are suffering from AI fatigue?
Learn from the likes of 8 established thought leaders at Deloitte, Schoenherr Attorneys at Law, Reed Smith LLP, Womble Bond Dickinson (UK), Pryor Cashman, Legal Tech Consultants, Lexis Nexis, and Titans.
You can read the full report here.